My August. How was yours?

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Hahaha! This is going to be tough for me. I have to review my august day by day. I hope i remember all though. Okay! Let's begin!

AUGUST 1 - 5: Nothing special happened
AUGUST 7: The day i set my eyes on this amazingly tall guy!!! *Dies!*
AUGUST 8 - 9: Started planning on how to get his attention. ;) (Ladies, You know how we do!)
AUGUST 10: FINALLY! We both get our attentions. but it was darn too late because  camp was over the following day.
 AUGUST 11: Camp over!... :( Boring ass life all over again.
AUGUST 12 - 28 : Drawing my life out. :p Birthday the next day. :O All my homies, in school. :(
AUGUST 29: I was a star!!! Birthday tweets everywhere, on facebook too, calls coming in like i was one superstar, Bestie with me to make my day fun - filled! It was fun!... Cake, coke, all sorts! :D I love you guys.
AUGUST 30: Tweets still coming in. Oooh! DAREY WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO.! Love him too much! :D
AUGUST 31: So sad my month was about to finish, but HEY! I'm 16 now. :D

Sweet 16! LOOL!.
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