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Inspiring Quotes that can get you started.

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Exams! Graduation!

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Sigh, My exams are almost ending! (Thank God). Meanwhile, I have Neco to be bothered about, or not, because the exam itself is not even credible. I wonder how i get into all these mess. :(
Anywhooz, i have less than a month left in school. (YAAY!) I'll miss some people, (Notice the word, some), will never miss MOST people, and the crappy teachers. Oh yeah. I have to get to my VS late. Yhup, i mean it. Why you ask?

Ever had your parents go with you to a prize giving ceremony, maybe the one your school organised, and then they give you this EYE because your mates had been collecting prizes  and you didn't? Well, i'm guessing that's gonna happen on my VS. Not that i'm not collecting prizes, (Collecting at least two (: )... but there's this kid that's collecting everything, soo... I'm definitely going in late. :s
Cannot stand that deadly eye my parents give, with the excuses, "the valedictorian does not have two heads" SMH.

LOL!... Im still waiting for my Grad dress!!!... I am just so excited about it. My tailor's a professional. Love her to shreds.

In the meantime, i have to stop daydreaming about VS.. (still daydreaming about it though (: ) and get to my books. :D


10 Things you should not do on twitter

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Twitter has exploded over recent years to the point where your friends, family members and favourite celebs are all part of one massive network, but since the early days there have been people who don’t get it, misuse it or simple do it wrong. This post rounds up a collection of common crimes that Twitter veterans and newcomers will all be able to relate to, are you guilt of any of them?

Hiring people tweet on your behalf

The biggest criminals in the whole of Twitterville has to be the celebs who try to gain extra cool points by being on Twitter, but they end up with a profile updated by their ‘team’. There’s a decent collection of high profile celebs who “get it”, but the majority simple don’t understand the whole meaning of Twitter and end up talking at their fans with no personal interaction.
Whether you’re an average Joe or this year’s hottest idol, you should be Tweeting messages yourself. A get out of jail free card may be supplied to companies who use Twitter, who allow their employees to interact with customers and fans.

Tweeting spam messages, especially as a bot

No doubt we’ve all experienced this one, either as @replies selling you something or random messages when you mention a certain keyword. Companies soon caught on that Twitter was a good marketing and branding tool, but yet again they go about it completely the wrong way by trying to ram their message down your throat. Don’t bring junk mail and cold calling tactics into the digital age.

Keeping the default avatar and profile design
Nothing makes you stand out as a Twitter noob more than sticking with the default profile background and avatar. People follow other humans on Twitter; a default profile has no personality and doesn’t relate to you as a person. Make sure the first thing you do is upload a picture of yourself as your avatar and take the time to change the background image and colours of your profile.

Never responding to people

Twitter is a great communication tool, but many people don’t realise that communication is a two-way process. If you don’t respond to your @replies, mentions or comment on the status of others you’ll simply come across as an ignorant arse. Make sure you listen and engage with your followers, don’t just talk at them. A common excuse is users don’t want to fill up the streams of their followers with response messages, but they don’t realise your @reply tweets only show up in someone else’s stream if they’re following both you and the recipient.

Gaming your follower count

Twitter newcomers often get caught up on the all powerful follower count and try to game the system to increase their numbers by following people in a hope for a follow back in return, often just ditching them once they’ve gained that extra number. Be a real person, chat and engage with others and your follower count will grow naturally.


There’s a fine balance between every day social interaction and being an annoyance. Be careful not to get overzealous in your tweeting as it doesn’t take long for a person’s Twitter stream to become completely saturated with nothing but your tweets, especially those who don’t follow a great deal of people. If you’re tweeting links or any kind of self promotion give it at least 15 minutes between posts.

Excessive Multitweeting

Twitter is limited to 140 characters for a reason. It’s aimed a short and concise messages, so don’t be that person who writes complete novel in their stream 140 characters at a time, with each successive tweet taking up more of your screen real estate. If you want to express yourself in more than 140 characters, consider writing a blog post and linking to it.

Converting every other word into a hash tag

Hash tags are one of the great resources Twitter provides which allow us to keep track of tweets based on a certain subject and find new friends. Hash tags are exceptionally handy for conferences and gatherings, but they can also be used to tag every day tweet content. Sometimes the odd person really gets it wrong and ends up converting every noun or verb in their tweet into a hash tag. The words in your tweets are crawled in searches anyway, so think about whether the word you’re hash tagging is really going to be worth clicking to see all the other tweets including that word.

Starting a tweet with “is…”

Finally we’ve got a petty crime that is often excused, but could be the start of the path that turns this person into a hardened Twitter criminal. Unlike Facebook, Twitter updates don’t start with your name, so posting updates starting with “is…” simple doesn’t make sense. You’re not observing yourself from a third person perspective, tell people what you’re doing as yourself.


Nigeria To Send Astronauts To The Moon By 2015

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ABUJA – Minister of Science and Technology, Prof. Ita Okon Bassey, Thursday, said that Nigeria would by 2015 put its first set of astronauts to space.

He also said technology transfer agreements between Nigerian entrepreneurs and their technical partners abroad had saved Nigeria over N16 billion between May 2011 and March 2012.

The Minister, who spoke at the 2012 ministerial platform, one year score card, organized by Ministry of Information in Abuja, said training of the first set of astronauts to be sent to space would soon commence.

On savings from technology transfer agreements, the minister said: “The highest amount of

money that was saved was in September 2011 with over N5.3 billion followed by N3.8 billion and the lowest amount was N89.8 million in August 2011.

“Nigeria shall vigorously pursue the attainment of space capabilities as an essential tool for the socio-economic development and enhancement of the quality of life of its people.

“20 technologies are transferred on weekly basis through training for establishments of small medium enterprises.

These included, instant pounded yam flour, fruit juice production, cassava products (chips, adhesives, starch, flour), instant fufu flour, baking and confectioneries.”

He said the ministry signed eight Memoranda of Understanding (MoU), with private sector companies for use of technologies developed by parastatals of the ministry.

On leather technology, Prof. Ewa said there was a strong improvement of production of leather foot wear and products.

He called on the Ministries of Defence and Interior to patronise the ministry by buying their military boots and other accessories from it.

He noted that the ministry had already trained over 150 entrepreneur’s from Benue, Kaduna, Kano and Sokoto states, adding that these had created jobs for so many youths in that area.

He assured Nigerians that more youths would be trained on the making of leather foot wears.

He stressed the need for the Federal Government to invest more on technical technology which could create one million jobs in three years, while tomato paste industry could create 500,000 jobs in three years.

He said: “Utilization of coal for industrial chemicals production will create jobs and save foreign exchange.

“Municipal solid wastes, which are environmental hazards, is now being converted to wealth as well providing a cleaner environment. Liquid fuels from coal technology are a hitech area and Nigeria venturing into it is a necessary pre-condition in attaining vision 20:20:20. The skill we acquire will make us globally competitive.”

My View on previous posts.

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 I want to use this means to thank God for sparing my Life and even yours reading this. Had it been for Him, I probably would have been dead by now. The plane, which hovered around my vicinity, Ogba was in the air for about 5 minutes till the worst took place. I heard and saw the ill fated air craft, though scared, for the sound it made was horrific, ignored the matter at hand as though it was flying on a safe course, not for me to hear, few minutes later that it had crashed into a residential area not too far from my house.
It is not that we are better than those who died, but because of His mercies. Mixed feelings ran through my head. I was happy because it did not crash at my house, and sad for the casualties were much.
Talking about casualties,  the fire was said to have started a few hours after it crash landed, and it crashed a stone throw from the local airport. Fire trucks and rescue teams were nowhere to be found. I could see helicopters hovering round the crash site. A presidential jet also flew past the scene.
The strangest thing about it is the fact that there was no early coverage from any of the local television stations. Instead, the international news desks took over. As at then, the casualty was up to 153, now it has increased to 200 +.
Adding to this, there was a bomb blast early in the morning in a church at bauchi.
Mr President, Why is it that it is only your regime that has
  • Suicide bombing
  • Irrelevant decision making
  • Subsequent air crashes, like the previous in ghana
  • Subsidy probes
  • Rioting groups
PDP surely is not the way forward. The fact that you did not have shoes does not mean we should go around naked. Fix all these mess. If you can not, kindly step down and let the passion driven people take the wheel. We cannot afford to sit down and hear your crappy speeches or your " 3 days mourning" plans get the better of us. Electricity, we dont have, Security , we dont have, it is by God's grace we move on the roads.

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