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What a day!

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Well, this post is all about me, for a change, my yesterday for instance. What a horrid day indeed! Despite the fact that i had two of my friends celebrating with their mothers on their birthdays, i sat solemnly on my sofa, trying to sort out the mess made on my camera. :( If only i could rewind time. Mehn.... Inventors should invent fast, a machine that is capable of doing such in order to eliminate most negative effects. :|
*moment of silence for the camera*

Ok.... So i told my mom, and she did not even say a word. Must have sunken deep into her membranes. LOL! The grammar i blow gan! :D. But it ended really good. My puppy just came back from south Africa!!! Whoop whoop!! :) Love him to shreds. I call him Sunny, because he is golden yellow, but my parents prefer "Astro". It's a name i gave our first ever dog. I was young and (un)creative at that point in time, so i used "The Jetson's" family dog's name. :| LOL!
Happy sunny

I've been on this university issue too. To do A levels or not. :( Right now, i have so much on my hands. SAT is around the corner and my Post UTME's too. I also heard something that is very unrealistic and daft of an institution. How could a science student be given government questions to answer within less than half of an hour? For security reasons, i shall not disclose the name of the institution, but that was an obtuse thing to do, if you ask me.

Twitter for sure is still at its best with funny pictures and tweets too. My weekend was actually worthwhile, despite the fact that there were some scenes i would have deleted. Hope yours was fun too. ^_^


Happy Children's Day

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Yeah! It's May 27 HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY! LOOL!....WAIIT!  (im sure you want to close this page because you think you aren't a child anymore) But really, we are children. I dont want to preach in here though but, Really? Who are you trying to form for? Your boys? your girl? (Coughs) You get the drift. :)
In biblical terms, we are all children of God. (Some of you tho). When last did you relax, unwind from those heavy duty chores , take a nice family stroll Instead of flattening your butt on whatsoever and exploring your system? Let me tell you something. The fact is, most parents wish for their childhood years back, but obviously they cannot get it back. (Benjamin Button. #okbye) :D .
Don't you miss the days of having to get away with everything? Mixing with the opposite sex and no one mumbles a word about it? Taking a swing on the playground? Throwing sand and running like you're a bandit? (Abeg, don't do that oh). Making friends as easy as a snap of the fingers? Those were the days i must confess. You are really not too young to re-live those days.
 Stop feeling like you have arrived and mellow yourself down to those days, if not all the time, but just for today. Is it parolz you want to do? That you will even do and get tired of? Re-live those moments while you still got the energy to do so. 
0-12------------->No freedom, lots of energy, Plenty of time
12-19------------------> Freedom, Energy, Plenty of time
19-65-------------->Freedom, Less energy, Less time
65-Death------------> Freedom, No energy, No time.

I was wrong to grow older.  Pity.  I was so happy as a child.  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras, 1942


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Don't let the title fool you. LOL!. It means
   S: something
   E: extremely
X: Xrated


Sunday Mumbo Jumbo!!

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LOOL!.. Today was just Hilarious!... Church was crazy as usual. Did not want to go at first, but all the same, i went. We were taught.... err what were we taught again?.... Oh well, Forget That Side.! I saw a girl putting these heels on, and oh my was she wobbling her life out!
LOOOL!. Really. Why would you put on what you cannot carry? Trying to copy celebs maybe? Or just rolling with fashion.

Anyways, after church was the best. Really epic indeed. Normally, after service ends, one is meant to go back home immediately, or when you feel like ( did i just hear you say "DUH"? lol). That was not the case today. HAHAHA! I cannot stop laughing, Okay let me get serious. At the close of church today, my sister was missing. Dad who has a very high temper, ( I mean REALLY HIGH) got angry and ran out to the car. Mom was still sitting trying to look for my sister but to no avail
To cut the story short, my sister was found standing on a spot watching people pass by. Mom got angry and sparked at her, but did not beat her. Then we got to dad. He stressed himself by coming out of the car and beating the daylight out of her on the road!!!!! (People were laughing eh!! I couldn't help myself too)
Then he slapped her after and went back into the car. Guess what?
My other sister was nowhere near the car!!! LOOL!!! What fiery rage we got in our ears!!! HAHAH!! 


Any ways, i ended today by taking pictures. It really brought down the mood. :) ( in a good way) ^_^
Here are some of them.

LOOL!. Funny arent they? Hope you had a wonderful Sunday!. Good day and God bless!

Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

My very first Mix Tape. :D

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Finally!... I have been trying to get in here since morning. Might be blogger issues. Any ways, it got me so bored to the extent of making my own song mix, mixtape (I really don't know what that is. LOL!) But, if you want to hear it, its right here for downloads. Its my very special collection of my favorite nigerian songs :)

My Nigerian Mix.

And the winner is.....

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One of the worst things i hate to do is being in a competition. Aaargh! Lord!. And being in a competition at my school, mahn, it takes a whole lot of deal, self esteem and focus. Those guys shut people down in the twinkle of an eye. Its that bad. :( I remember a competition i entered in when i was in SS2 "The Debaters" LOOL! They made a fuss out of the debate. People really strong in debating and all that shit were there, literally occupying 85% of us.
I managed the first round, surprisingly came first, entered second round, (don't even dare ask me how i managed), Then it was the third i flopped. The crowd was much. I couldn't handle that. I couldn't even handle the sentence "And the winner is....." That moment where you think your hard work is being rewarded. Most people even faint at that moment. :( But the truth is, not everyone can emerge as the winner, some have to lose while only one, (or three) take(s) the prize. So, if you are in a competition, do not assume that you have taken the lead. If you do, well, " IT WILL SHOCK YOU"


Winners build on mistakes. Losers dwell on them.


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LOOL!.... so what if i did not have a nice sleep? Had fun going through these pictures. They bring back so much memories. :)
Inter house sports

Charity funfair

Charity funfair

Charity funfair

Inter house music competition

Founder's day

I love this!

LOL!. Sexy momma

Inter house music competition

Inter house music competition

Charity funfair
Inter house music competition
Inter house music competition

Bad ending...

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Today ended really bad, all thanks to my parents. ( I think that word is even an understatement ). I really dont know what to say. I just hope i get better in the morning. Thank you Oreofe, Ugo, Yasir, Tobe and Damola for trying to calm me down. God bless you very much. I guess this is how i have to end today.
Goodnight. xx

Parents and over protection

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I really dislike this! I do not like this one bit. Wait, do parents think that, with all the training they think they have given us, we would not be able to fend for ourselves on our own? If that is the case, then they have lost it because it is certain they will leave earth before us. They wouldn't be able to protect us then. I have had so much cases of this, lack of trust, self denial, being shut down. At times, i just lay my head and begin to cry and wonder why on earth God gave me these kind of people. But who am i to question God's integrity. It is like everything i do is of nuisance to them, or is not always better, they want  more than the best from me. Here are my parents perspective on how their child must be:
  • Brilliant, not the average 15/20 or 18/20, they always expect 20/20 from me
  • Self independent, they hate seeing me around friends, with friends, or talking to friends. To them, they want me to have no such thing as friends.
  • Hardworking, you could call it " wayward child" the one that would have everything done before they even ask.
  • Perfectionist. 
  • Clean 
  • Punctual: Everytime that schoolbus horns outside and im inside, OH LAWD! Its one tune or the other i will be hearing.
  • The list is endless....
I can not meet up to all these, i try to tell them... Neither do i love being overprotected. Most of the times, when i sit beside the opposite gender in church, the suicidal eye my dad gives me. Chai!... 

It does not have to extend to all this. I am me, not your idea of a perfect child. I only try to, but you pull me down. So, really, Leave me alone!. I have my life.


Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in this life.
Jean Paul Richter 

Unusual true life stories

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Here are some of the most unusual stories yet. 
Boy Turns into a Yam
Three pupils of the Evangelist Primary School in the northern Nigerian town of Maiduguri rushed into the headmistresses office in March 2000 and said that a fellow pupil had been transformed into a yam after accepting a sweet from a stranger. The headmistress found the root tuber and took it to the police station for safe-keeping. Following local radio reports, hundreds of people flocked to see the yam and police were hunting for the sweet-giver. What happened next failed to reach the media.
Fiery Persecution
The village of Canneto di Caronia on Sicily’s north coast has been plagued by mysterious fires. The trouble began on January 20, 2004, when a TV caught fire. Then things in neighbourhood houses began to burn, including washing machines, mobile phones, mattresses, chairs and even the insulation on water pipes. The electricity company cut off all power, as did the railway company, but the fires continued. Experts of all kinds carried out tests, but no explanation was found. The village was evacuated in February, but when people returned in March the fires resumed. Police ruled out a pyromaniac after they saw wires bursting into flames.
Notecase from the Sky
In October 1975 Mrs Lynn Connolly was hanging washing in her garden in the Quadrant, Hull, when she felt a sharp tap on the top of her head. It was caused by a small silver notecase, 63mm by 36.5mm, hinged, containing a used notepad with 13 sheets left. It was marked with the initials ‘SE’, ‘C8′, ‘TB’ (or ‘JB’) and ‘Klaipea’, a Lithuanian seaport. No one claimed it at the police station, so it was returned to Mrs Connolly. It seems likely it fell only a short distance but from where? If it had dropped from a plane, it would have given her more than a tap.

Reactions to DHS 2012 Graduating set post

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This is a post mainly on the reaction of the previous. Really, i never intended to hurt anyone, In fact, if you're hurt, so be it because everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I never asked for your putrid behavior, neither did i develop it in you. Nobody can describe you better than people around you. The best you can do is to work on that aspect everybody hates about you, if you are sure its true.
We will obviously part someday and meet "God knows when". There's no need throw caution into the wind. Really. :) So, to all who got angry, FU! :P That's the truth. :)


"True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost." 
- Charles Caleb Colton

Epic video. School fun.

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LOL!.. This video has got to be the funniest video ever! Made me laugh a couple of times.

Ife Omai
Ogechi Nnaji
and a host of others.... enjoy. ^_^

My busy week.

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This week has been a blast!. I ended my examinations, (ok, i still have more but still ^.^), I met new people, one of which has grown to be my special friend ( won't tell you the gender) LOL! He's cute! (ok.. i spilled it there :D) and i got back my long lost connection with my primary school bestie "Jennifer Otisi!" I miss you love. :) Anyways, Simisola Kuyinu, Damilola Sapara and a host of others. Social networks are good oh!. Plus my ever unending fight with "you know who" I still have to get my designs ready for this graduation thingy. So many things to do, so little time. ^_^ Hope your week was better than mine. :D


A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
Thomas Carlyle

Guess Who? Can you?

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1) She's on an Emmy & Golden Globe winning TV show...
2) She's still adorable and a TV star!
3) So smiley!
4) This kid looks like he's ready to boldly go where no toddler has gone before...
5) Who's this style-savvy child?
6) Aww, cheer up, little one! The earrings are actually pretty nice.
7) Awwn! His cheeks
8) Boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses. They would if they knew what this bombshell looked like later in life!
Think you know these people? Guess who and comment! :D. I'm waiting!!!

DHS 2012 Graduating set

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LOL!. My set guys are just too funny!... LOL!. So here's a post dedicated to most of them, at least... what i think of them. If you are not here then, no need to vex. LOL!

BOLAJI: She's awesome!... f.maths freak!
TODIMU: Always ranting about bolaji. LOL. Nice body.
ENIOLA: We used to be close, now she's just :x
GBEMILEKE: Thief!! Like he was never well fed. LOL! But he's honest. Very!
LADE: Forget the fact that she has a very long name, and she's sorta bossy and shit, but she talks with sense. :)
INEMESIT: Err... we say hi and hello often. ^.^
OYINLOLA: LOL! School bus days! ^_^
PRAISE ODITA: funny dude!
FRANCISCA: People thought you were slutty, but i knew you were more than that. In a good way. :)
DUMEBI: You could be annoying sometimes. Love your self esteem!
TIMILEHIN: I love your love!!... you accept everyone the way they are. :)
DAMOLA: Hmm.... always judgemental!!!! Typical yoruba girl! Suku freak. :D
PRAISE: Its been a secret, but i'd let it out. I love you!!!! since JSS1 *runs away*
DESOLA: started really bad.... but thank God we ended up being friends. ^_^
GABRIELLE: No way mahn!... you're a tom-boy!!! You know this! *pls dont kill me*
FAVOUR EMMA: lol!... you too dey argue! chai! :D
DARA: Oh my lawl!... You have a heart of gold!.!
ADEMAKINWA: Baby face!. :) you're really cute. 
MUYIWA: Used to be close to this dude... then i don't know what happened. :(
SIMI: Awwn! boobless chic! :D cute!
YASIR: crazy MOFO!... My crazy mofo!. lol!
MAYOWA ADELEKE: Err..... you.... err.... My bad! LOL
AYOOLA: I look at you and see GOD!. ^_^
MAYOWA YUSUF: Choi!.... you blatant boy!. :P I have nothing to say. :X
SHOLA: She thinks she's one modella like this. :P 
REKPENE: Can't wait for you to become big in future! im hopeful!. Remember me then oh!
TUNDE: He just cannot mind his business. But i still love him! 
OBAKAY: School bus moments!
BUSOLA: Dream big hun!. cause they are all going to look for you in future.
KEHINDE: Getting to know her daily. She's good!
OTONYE: I like him!.... he makes sense all of the time. I Love his smile! To die for.!
MOYO: Mumsi mi!. Awesome voice she has!
IFE: J'adore tu!!!!! i only hide it from you. #_#
EBUNIFE: They wash you a lot!... LOL!. Jkddn. You're pretty.
DUNSIN: Mistress my foot... :D Talks too much! but all the same, it's what makes her unique.
BUKKY: My oh my!... haters, then we got so close all of a sudden!
ARNOLD: He's not the class clown, he's soft inside and thts what i like about him.
KITAN: Loves to feel himself... Really high self esteem he has. ^_^
BOBBY: Gosh!... he's strong! x__x
AYOBODUN: Awwwn! best stepper!
DOMINIC: I gat nothing. -___-
BOYE: He's hot... no doubt... the cool kid. ^_^
VICTOR: Beyond words. :)
UFUOMA: Always dull and depressed and sad. Still love you tho. Even if you don't.
SEGUN: LOL!. His facial expression is too funny! But if there's an explosion, Mahn... he'd run waay past you!
LYNA: Hostel mother of all!... :D
TOSIN: Sports freak!!
AJAGBE: HAHA!!! funny dude!
CHIOMA: Miss paps!... That's about her summary. LOL
ADEWALE: my bestest friend! :*
ENNY FAKOYA: God go bless your hustle!! 

Now, its your turn.... Post all what you think about me. Don't worry. I can handle it! LOL

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.
Samuel Johnson

Hate more, Live less.

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OK.... So it is beyond reasonable doubt that i have an unending crush on Nicki Minaj. Don't really know why, LOL... but i do. Same with Ciara. Her moves are outstanding. 
There's only one problem, if you keep on spending time on those ones that do not matter to you, those ones that do not seem to exist in your life, you will end up living lesser than normal.
Your religion, family, friends (note that i said friends, and not enemies, or stalkers) are the ones you are meant to "roll" with. Let sleeping dogs lie. Just because someone hates you,  you want to disturb yourself. It's not done that way. 
So stop hating on others, even yourself, and live a lot more!
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Thank God! WAEC is finally over!... Gosh! The days of having sleepless nights, bags under my eyes. Its definitely history.. or the beginning, because i am sure there's much more ahead of me. Now, it all sums up to the university choice. It can make or break you. We have to handle it really carefully. Oh! lest i forget, graduation is coming up soon!! So excited. 3 words and im out... Shop shop shop! NEEH! LOL!.

It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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